Thursday, January 31, 2013

Diamond Camo!

Weapon personalization with Camo and other effects has long been part of the Call of Duty series, with Gold Camo being the highest unlocked Camo that can be earned to show off your status. But now in Black Ops 2 Diamond Camo has been introduced, but appears nowhere in any part of the customization screen. How do you get it? Well I'm sure the first gamer to discover it unlocked it quite by accident as it is hidden. And for some weapon classes it's very hard to get indeed. (I'm working on it for LMG and I'm not halfway there.) But watch this exciting quick video and you'll see how to pimp your ride, if you can pull it off!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Camping IS a legitimate strategy!

Yes it is! Let's kick of this blog with some commentary on camping, for which this blog partly takes it's name. According to Wikipedia, camping is "a tactic where a player obtains a static strategic position of advantage, often providing a clear field of view over a choke point or position of tactical interest whilst retaining cover", and, "there has been much debate on what is defending and what is camping". And this is true- after all, who in real life would see the only acceptable battle strategy as charging into enemy fire "spraying and praying" with reckless abandon? Of course trying to control area and taking any advantage is normal to warfare, but in games that simulate first person shooting, all too many cry foul. I concede that if everyone camped there would be no game, I think players shouldn't spew hate just because die of sudden lead poisoning immediately after running around a corner they shouldn't have run around without looking. Adapt! Try throwing a flash or concussion grenade around the corner first, or maybe use your com to report enemy positions. (You have a headset, right?) But please don't whine!